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Your true self

I’m supposed to go to sleep now, after two intense coaching training days. And although my body and mind are crying out for rest, they are bursting with creative energy. I take this with both hands.

I would like to share with you tonight how much I feel with every fiber in my body that all this is exactly what I am supposed to do. That all frustrations, sadness and searching are, finally come to rest. You can call that spiritual nonsense, I prefer to stick to a puzzle where all the pieces seem to fall together. Everyone has their own view of the world, you know.

With the best will in the world, I can’t remember when exactly I realized that I had to follow a coaching course. A brilliant hunch of the moment? I don’t think so. Rather a logical connection between the many changes that took place in my life at that time. A logical consequence of the past 17 years since I was literally and figuratively looking for my way for the first time as a student at the VUB. A logical step after I had made the most of my law studies and knew how to make arrows out of no wood.

As a young girl, I was bullied a lot at the school. I was an easy victim. Small, highly sensitive and already stubborn enough not to dress and behave like other children. Eventually I started to put away my true self, to belong and not be rejected anymore. After all, we all remain herd animals.

When I look back on the past 30 years, it is quite nice to see that I was not always good at really putting myself away. At certain, often crucial moments, she came up again to keep me on my toes. That sensitive, intuitive 6-year-old girl who saw beauty in the smallest things. That 6-year-old girl who didn’t just accept what others imposed on her. That 6-year-old girl who likes to connect, sees the good in every person and with the sounds she got from her piano, could move people to tears. Dat That girl who IS and not WAS. Could BE and be big in the small.

Thanks to the training, in which like-minded souls come together and together create one big connection and safe haven, I dare to show my true self more and more. With all my strengths and flaws. With all my talents and pitfalls. But above all with a lot of love to give.

It allows me to create a safe place for both my coachees and myself. Wherever they dare to let their true selves emerge and be freed from all the expectations, prejudices and condemnations that they have carried within them for decades. Liberating, inspiring and intriguing at the same time.

If you feel that it is also time for you to find your true self again, then I look forward to meeting you! ✨✨

And now the barrel is really finished.

Sleep tight,


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