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When you know, you know

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a friend I hadn’t seen since university. When he asked me what coaching entails, I explained to him the techniques and the one golden rule: coaches ask questions, they do not provide input, the content is entirely owned by the coachee. 
“But what does that mean, really? What exactly are you doing?”. Valid question and important to understand for everyone wanting to start a coaching trajectory. As a coach, I lead the conversation and ask thought-provoking questions, challenging you to have a closer look at your beliefs and deep-rooted opinions. In other words, I am the one asking you questions you might not want to hear, to get you out of your comfort zone, as this is the only place where true change and growth can happen.
When I finished explaining, my friend had a smile on his face, saying: “Well, I know you are capable of doing that, you already asked me these kinds of questions at university. You were the only one challenging me and I am forever grateful you did, even though most of the time, I could kill you at first”.
He couldn’t have given me a better compliment, aside perhaps from the killing part. This is when I realized I didn’t become a coach a couple of months ago. I already was a coach for two decades, or maybe even longer. As far as I can remember, I was always the one asking question, curious and eager to learn, most probably annoying many people around me. But it works. It helps myself and others to leave their familiar, well-trodden paths and walk the road to change and new insights.
When you know, you know. It took me many years to stand where I am now, finally realizing I was paving this path without even knowing. I have been preparing myself and building on experiences for me to be able to help you today walk your own journey.
Being coached might feel uneasy at times. No scratch that, it WILL feel uneasy, but that’s the beauty of it. It’s allowing yourself to look into the mirror and start paving your own path towards living your best, most precious life.
I am with you every step of the way, to support you, to guide you, to catch you whenever you need me to. Don’t forget. And I am confident that, just like you, I am merely at the beginning of my journey. Let’s walk together, I’d love your company.



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