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This is 36

Today’s my birthday. I cannot believe how fast the past year came and went. It’s been a couple of birthdays ago since I’m feeling that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, being the person I’ve always envisioned myself to become. Scratch that, I’ve never had a birthday I felt all the above. And damnit, it feels good, so so good.

Life comes with its challenges, giving us the opportunity to learn a thing or two. You all know it took me about 10 years to figure out that becoming a coach is what I’m supposed to be doing. Many times I said: “I think I need to help others, make an impact, encouraging others to become the best version of themselves”. Great. But how exactly does that look like in real life?

People often expect a coach to tell them what job they should do, which life path they should take. However, that’s not exactly how it works. Trust me, I know how frustrating it can be. And at the same time, it’s the best way to build on something that will last and stand the test of time. YOU need to figure it out, as only YOU are actually capable of doing that.

At one point everything just clicked. It all made sense. Two years later, I have a blooming coaching business and I am still pinching myself every day to make sure this is actually happening. Damnit, how it took me a while. Why didn’t anyone tell me this earlier? Because they couldn’t. Only I could, I just needed time and space to actually SEE it.

This is 36. The first birthday since a long time I feel at peace. And at the same time, I realize that this is definitely not the end game. That life still has a lot in store for me. The good, the bad and the ugly. And that’s okay. I strongly believe everything happens for a reason. You just need to WANT to see it, as difficult as that may be.

This is 36. Today I am celebrating and I’ll keep on celebrating every day for the rest of my life. Will I skip one once in a while? Sure I will. But now I know I’ll always be able to return to myself. And that is the greatest feeling of them all.

Happy birthday to me and to all of you paving the way to live your one wild and most precious life.



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