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Open Office Hours

This morning, I was back at Crowell & Moring Brussels to coach and support their lawyers during the monthly “Open Office Hours”. It’s amazing to see how this firm truly walks the talk when it comes to the wellbeing of their people.

The concept is simple. I am at the firm for a couple of hours, available for everyone to drop by or dial in for a chat. Having the opportunity to talk to someone in full confidence, about how they are doing/feeling, to have a sounding board when needed, seems to make all the difference.

As one of the lawyers just told me when we ended our talk: “Just being able to stand still for a moment, to reflect, to talk about what’s on my mind, allowed me to gain different perspectives and already makes me feel so much better and more confident in myself. I am ready to kick ass today”. Loved it, just loved it!

I am grateful for Crowell & Moring for giving me this opportunity and not only talk about how much they care about their people, but also showing them how much they do.



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Coaching voor individuen en bedrijven

mentoring – career services – loopbaanbegeleiding