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Off for the holidays

Just finished my final coaching session for this year and oh boy, did we end on a high note! My coachee is nearing the end of her coaching trajectory and the way she changed, seeing the lights back in her eyes, has gotten me all teared up. Seeing and feeling the growth someone has made by all the effort they put into it, gives me an almost undescribable feeling of proudness en joy. This is why I’m doing what I do and why I love it so so much.

There’s no better way to start of my holidays and wrap up the most amazing year. This one’s definitely one for the books, thanks to all these beautiful people putting their trust in me and being determined to shape their lives honouring their values, hopes and dreams. I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for us!

Keep writing me, stay in touch and if you feel ready to embark on a similar journey for life-altering change, I very much look forward to meeting you and working together in the new year.

Happy holidays to you all and for now… Maite OUT!



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Coaching voor individuen en bedrijven

mentoring – career services – loopbaanbegeleiding