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Yesterday’s Vlerick event is certainly one for the books. It was so amazing to be standing here merely 9 months after I launched GrowthLab. Still pinching myself every day!

It’s safe to say that prof. Koen Dewettinck and I had a blast talking to the audience about topics we are truly passionate about. It was great to see so many people being truly invested in the issues the legal sector is currently facing. Issues such as decreasing retention numbers, the many marks Covid-19 has left us with and how a new generation is here, ready to shake things up even more.

Many thanks again to Andi Zrza, Charline Ampe and everyone involved in the Vlerick Alumni Legal Club for having us and organizing this great event!

And of course a special thanks to the audience for making the time to join us last night. Truly appreciated your spot on questions! As I said, I love some good old debate, as it always leaves you with better results.

Oh and remember: communication is key, so keep training your communication muscles!



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