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Love what you do – Is it really that simple?

A friend reminded me today of the importance of doing what you love to do.

Back in 2005, Steve Jobs didn’t only tell us to stay hungry and foolish. He also said that “your work is gonna fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work, is to love what you do.”

It’s sounds so simple and yet, it is so hard to look into the mirror and face the fact that you were meant to do other things in life than what your profession is currently giving you.

I went through this process recently and honestly, the work is never fully done. Living in a world with endless possibilities is fascinating, but often provides you with the paradox of choice. An abundance of opportunities actually requires more effort to make a decision.

The great Martha Beck taught me that when facing a decision, you need to figure out whether a certain route makes you feel warmer (i.e. happier, more alive) or colder (more miserable, dead). And it works time and time again.

On my journey towards change and looking for what it is I love to do, I went from feeling dead cold at first, to being happier and more alive the moment I decided that coaching is what I am supposed to do now. What was initially just a spark, is now transformed in a cosy, heartwarming camp fire on a beautiful summer evening.

Change is never easy and it requires a lot of energy and dedication. And yet, it’s worth it, for one can only do great work, by loving doing it. Therefore, I ask you: how can I help you on your journey to figure it all out?

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