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In-house coaching for the win

Just finished off my first Open Office Hours at DLA Piper in their Brussels office. By doing so, they are setting a great example by actually putting into practice their promise to increase and support the wellbeing of their lawyers.

As one of them just told me: “I was positively surprised to hear the firm is offering us the opportunity to talk to someone when we need it. Many law firms tell us all the time that these kind of initiatives are ‘in the works’, but till this day, no real mental support is offered. Just having been able to talk to you, to get some things off my chest, makes all the difference in the world”.

Safe to say I’m on some kind of a mission to get more firms on board to be able to do just that. It’s exactly what I needed 10 years ago when I started my career at the Brussels bar. I sometimes wish there was someone like me at the time that I could talk to, offering a listening ear, giving me guidance and support.

When you are fresh out of college, the transition to working as a lawyer in a big law firm is huge. One day you’re partying and in charge of your own schedule, the next you are making 12 hours days and doing all-nighters every so often.

Let’s normalize having a coach in-house for all those who could do with a talk from time to time. It’s a small gesture that could make a world of difference to many.



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Coaching voor individuen en bedrijven

mentoring – career services – loopbaanbegeleiding