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Flying solo

Yesterday was the most amazing day. Everything just… clicked! New souls choosing to embark on a coaching trajectory to unlock their talents and live their best, most precious lives. A successful meeting with a company fully committed to put the wellbeing of its employees first, deciding that a GrowthLab group coaching trajectory is the best way forward. Making a lot of progress on an important presentation I’m set to give early next week, feeling so inspired by all the beautiful encounters and little victories I’ve experienced recently 🤍

A wonderful prelude of what’s about to come next on this crazy adventure of mine.

I realize I haven’t been posting much lately. From the day I launched GrowthLab, it has promised to be one big rollercoaster. The original plan was to combine coaching jobs and growing my business with legal headhunting at Vialegis for a couple of years. It turned out differently. After only a couple of months, I found myself working 24/7, juggling to combine both the best I could. I felt like I wasn’t able to excel in both of them equally and as a full-blown perfectionist, it started to become frustrated as it was literally impossible to keep all these balls in the air without dropping any.

At one point, it dawned on me how lucky I am, having been able to build up a new company from the ground up and have it fully operational in as little as six months. Being able to turn my passion for coaching into a profession allowing me to help and support others on a daily basis. And as I am a firm believer in walking the talk, I felt I could no longer work these crazy hours combining two jobs at once, it just didn’t feel right.

So here we are. Today marks the start of me flying solo and being all in to turn GrowthLab into the success story it truly deserves. And let me tell you… it feels amazing! I feel free, full of energy, inspired and creative, excited for all the amazing things scheduled for the upcoming months. I cannot wait to share all of it with you.

You are what makes GrowthLab, GrowthLab. Your enthusiasm, willingness to grow and being courageous on so many levels. And as I felt so inspired yesterday, I turned to my beloved piano and played one of my all-time favorite songs: River Flows In You by Yiruma (you can find it here: It felt appropriate to share it with you all for the very first time. It’s all about walking the talk.

So let’s hop on for another ride and many to come on this crazy rollercoaster called life. I am ready and I hope you are too.



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