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Communication is key

So simple and yet so many firms are not able to provide a culture where consistent feedback and appreciation is standard.

However, we are all human after all.

We are all looking for validation and appreciation. And honestly, clear instructions and transparent expectations wouldn’t harm either, right?

Keys to success:

👉 Prioritize human connection.
👉 Listen to one another. Listen to understand, not to respond.
👉 Talk to each other, never assume.

As far as I know, we don’t have psychic powers to read other people’s minds.

And yet, that’s where it often goes wrong. You think something is the case and the other person probably also. However, chances are low that both your assumptions are actually correct.

Result: you don’t communicate on the same wave length, making it hardly impossible to have a real conversation reaching desired outcomes.

Want to implement a more open culture at your firm? Want to know more on the effects of prioritizing human connections? Want to improve your personal communication skills?

Contact me today!



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