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Coming home

After 5 long years, I finally set foot again on American soil (checkmate, Covid!). Of course, it had to be NYC. It’s been exactly 10 years ago since I graduated from NYU Law and celebrated a wonderful year in this city of dreams. And what a dream it was! Ever since, no day has gone by without me day dreaming at least once about living the life in this magical city.

And now I’m back. Soaking in every moment, reminiscing on the past, welcoming new impressions and making brand-new memories. I cannot pinpoint exactly how NYC always delivers in bringing the best out of me, but it does, every.single.time.

I feel inspired, uplifted and at peace at the same time. And it’s only been day one. I am home, again. And hopefully, one day, I’ll be able to call this fabulous city my forever home. A girl can dream, right?



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