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Being stuck, starting afresh

I’ve never really been into making new year’s resolutions. Unless I was going through a tough time, then I was resolving the sh*t out of it. I guess it’s relatable to many that when you are going through a lot, questioning yourself, feeling stuck, all you want to do is start afresh.

To me, that’s a sign of resilience right there. You own the fact that things aren’t great and you are willing to do something about it. Are we all craving the magic pill that will change things overnight and bam! problem solved? Of course we do. It’s a very human thing to long for the path of least resistance.

I lost track of the amount of times a coachee asks me: “What if I change jobs and it turns out it’s not the right one for me either? Then I burned all my bridges and there’s no going back!”. That’s exactly how I felt for a very long time. It’s peculiar how we are wired, thinking that one single decision will undeniably shape the rest of our career path.

You are not your job. Your job doesn’t define you, although many employers are making sure you feel that way so you would work hard and earn them a lot of money. Things are changing though. With Gen Z entering the market and Covid-19 making many think about the importance of work and the value of life.

What I’m saying is that there’s no such thing as “the right career path”. During the course of our lives, we evolve so much, that it only makes sense that what suited you before, might not anymore today. And you can change jobs without burning bridges, of course you can. It all depends on what’s important to YOU.

And that is exactly what we are figuring out together during a coaching trajectory. We’re not looking for “the job”. We are investigating what your core values are, making sure that the job you are dedicating many hours of your life to, is aligned with your personality. We reflect and digest. Question and resolve. Create and practice.

I will never tell you what to do, even though you might be longing for that magic pill. I don’t have it, only you are capable of making the recipe for your own life. And I promise you that at a certain point during the program, you wouldn’t even want me anymore to tell you what to do. You will be taking accountability, ownership and matters into your own hands. And that is exactly the place I’m guiding you towards.

I am more than ready for this new year to come. Do I still have doubts? Of course I do. And at the same time, being a career coach is so rewarding to me that in this stage of my life, I am adamant about that fact that I’m doing exactly what I’ve always desired. Leaving the smoke from the so-called burned bridges behind me, determined to remain unstuck.


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