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Becoming a career coach has been years in the making.

While working as a corporate lawyer in Brussels, I was always intrigued by the stories behind the case and the people involved. Even though I was considered to have a bright future as a lawyer ahead of me, I couldn’t help but wonder whether it was the right path for me.

Eventually, I decided to stop working as a legal professional and shifted towards Business Development, Marketing and Recruitment within corporate law firms. It was the right move, as I was finally able to work on a more people oriented level, without losing touch with the business. I found tremendous joy in scouting the right person for the job, providing soft skills trainings and creating recruitment strategies.
Somehow, people always seemed to find their way to my office when they could do with some pep talk, were in need of a sounding board or looking for advice. When I realized I truly enjoyed these moments and would like to make a living out of it, I decided to leave the lawyering industry and started intense courses with HRD Academy to become the best coach I could possibly be.
So here I am. Ready to help you figuring out which job fits you the most, what your core values are and how to land the job you always dreamed of. I am known as a passionate, bubbly and yet pragmatic person, who knows what she wants and always there to help others. To clear my head in this busy world, I love to play the piano, cuddle with my dog Lilly and make long walks.
If who I am resonates with you, it would be my pleasure to meet and work together towards the career you set your mind to.
Ready to embark on this journey?
Book your free 15 minutes’ consultation session today.