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As your career coach, I empower you in your journey to set out a career path allowing you to flourish and maximize your talents.

Together, we will search for a work-life balance tailored to your needs for you to be confident to be your true self.

The ultimate goal is to become the best version of yourself.

Ready to embark on this journey?

Discover and optimize your talents

Discover and optimize the talents of your employees

The career coaching program with Maite took place in a spontaneous and open atmosphere. She always managed to uncover issues and detect certain sensitivities by asking the right questions. This made me well aware of my working points and opportunities for growth.

There was never any level discomfort, on the contrary. By deploying the right coaching techniques at the right time, Maite managed to turn conversational content into tangible growth potential regarding future professional opportunities. At times, this effortlessly transcended the professional trajectory with instructive sidebars and insights within the realm of mental coaching and psychology.

For people who are willing to work on themselves and are open to the many possibilities that surround us professionally, Maite is in any case a particularly designated coach to discover these together with the coachee.

Koen J. Van Damme
Lecturer • Writer • Author

Through my conversations with Maite, I dared to hold up a mirror to myself. As a loyal employee, I still dared to embark on a completely new path! I am very grateful to Maite for giving me the extra push I needed. I learned a lot about myself as a person during pleasant and constructive conversations.

Saartje Mortelmans
Economics teacher

“Life changing”. It sounds cliché, but this was the case for me. Someone who doesn’t only want you to grow as a person, but most of all that your personality and career path are growing towards each other. Who regularly makes you stand still to reflect. Without this coaching I would have never made the decision to choose for a job that makes me feel the happiest. Is this recognizable? My golden tip: book a call with Maite! The rest will come naturally.

Lara De Wilder
Legal Copywriter at Billycom

Maite combines a down to earth mentality with exceptional interpersonal skills. Her intuition – gut-feeling as many would call it – is phenomenal and allows her to approach every single contact in a highly personal yet professional way. She’s an outstanding professional demonstrating fast thinking, healthy inquiry, engaging communication and an enthusiastic can-do mindset.

Thierry De Grieze
HR Expert - Professional Coach

I contacted Maite because I needed support with my job seeking in Brussels. She helped me create a CV and cover letter that truly reflected who I am and what I was looking for. Working with her was easy and enlightening, Maite has experience in the area but also makes sure that the final products reflect the candidate and their professional interests while also advising on the best ways to present and advocate for yourself in your job search. highly recommend working with her and GrowthLab!”

Amanda Fialho
Graduate student

The dialogue with Maite prompted me to start a dialogue with myself as well. As a coach, she holds up a mirror and challenges you with important questions. In this way, you (re)discover defining aspects of your personality.

After each session with Maite, I went home with a smile and new insights. Coaching truly is a pivotal support in uncertain times. I was finally able to give myself the space I needed to change course professionally.


Such a peaceful conversation I just experienced. Maite has truly helped me with something I’ve been struggling for a long time. A topic that’s been having an encumbering impact on my daily life, which I really want to work on. During a comforting coaching session, Maite encouraged me to look at this topic from different points of view, which makes me feel not being stuck anymore. It has changed my perception on the subject tremendously, now I finally know how to deal with it. Thanks, Maite, for this eye opener!

Marleen Verschueren
Founder at Restart, Sips of Grace & Revive

After a couple of years of working as a corporate lawyer, I asked myself the question many young lawyers probably ask themselves as well: should I leave the sector or do I still give the job another shot – and if so, under which conditions?

Through open conversations and always with necessary flexibility, Maite guided me through which was without a doubt the most difficult period in my career so far.

Maite’s approach aims at making you come up with certain alternatives, answers or ideas by yourself, providing also necessary guidance from her side. Maite hands you tools and uncovers patterns, which encourage you to reflect and allows you to take matters into your own hands. As such, the process feels very personal. Maite doesn’t know a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

As a coach, Maite is very patient and shows a level of commitment that goes beyond the coaching sessions. Also in between 2 sessions, she secures a couple of more informal check-ins via WhatsApp. That way you really get the feeling that you are not alone in this.

Maite’s background in the corporate lawyering industry allows her to immediately understand the issues I was trying to uncover and to also truly understand where the shoe pinches. This allowed us to define in a fluent and organic way, the conditions under which I want to give my current job another chance.

In short: the coaching program with Maite has given me very valuable insights, which I will undoubtedly benefit from in the further course of my career.


With a natural spontaneity, Maite succeeds to create an open and safe environment in which one can and may speak candidly. The right (challenging) questions at the right time, without judgment and always attentive to you as a person. A place where one feels at ease and for me an incredible added value on a personal as well as a professional level.

Dimitri Gevaers
IT Consultant